About the Site


Access keys

This Web-site uses a subset of the access keys specified in the United Kingdom Government accessibility guidelines .

Subset of UK Government Shortcuts.
Access keyTarget
SSkip navigation
1Home page
2What's new
8Terms and conditions
0Access key details

For Microsoft® Internet Explorer on Windows select Alt plus the required access key, then Enter. Other browsers and platforms often use Control + Key. A note on Opera, their documentation says use Shift + Escape THEN any letter A-Z — you may also use any numeric key defined for the site.

Scripts, Cookies

This Web-site uses Javascript and cookies to implement a style sheet switcher. Cookies are small text files used to store information about you and your preferences. The cookies used by the E-Access Bulletin site do not invade your privacy — they are only used to store your style preference.

The site contains alternative style sheets to produce graphical or text-only renditions of each page. On the Opera browser the alternatives are accessible via the drop-down style sheet menu (to the left of the address-bar). For browsers with Javascript enabled you can choose your style sheet from the text-only and graphical links at the top of each page.

Javascript and cookies are not required to view any content on the site. If your browser or other access technology does not have Javascript, or has scripting disabled, you will see a text-only rendition of the site.

Site Design

All pages on this site are designed using the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0), and comply with all priority 1, 2, and in most cases, priority 3 Guidelines.

The Web-site conforms to W3C Recommendations — it uses valid Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.0, and Cascading Style Sheets 2.

The pages use structured semantic markup. H1 elements are used for the site title, H2 elements for page titles and so on. Pages contain a style sheet switcher, which uses scripts and cookies.

Valid XHTML 1.0!   Valid CSS!   Level A-A conformance,
       W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0


The E-Access Bulletin and EAB web site are Copyright 2000–2010 Headstar Limited, http://www.headstar.com . All rights asserted and reserved.
A Bulletin may be reproduced as long as all parts including the copyright notice are included, and as long as people are always encouraged to subscribe with us individually by email. Please also inform the editor when you are reproducing our content. Sections of a report may be quoted as long as they are clearly sourced as 'taken from e-access bulletin, a free monthly email newsletter', and our web site address http://www.headstar.com/eab is also cited.

Design credits

Re-design to accessibility guidelines by Nick Freear in 2004. Original design by Mousetrap Media.