e-Access 15 – London, 2015
Social networking hashtag: #eaccess15
Our conference took place on 24 February 2015 – thanks so much to everyone who came along. This site is now being updated with presentations, where available (see agenda page), and in due course with details of our next event.
In the meantime you might like to read this excellent blog report of our event, courtesy of the superb Fix the Web project.
e-Access 15 is the UK’s leading conference on access to digital technology – websites, smartphones, tablets, digital TV, radio, software and hardware – by people with disabilities and people of all abilities and ages. The event took place at the government conference centre at 1 Victoria St, Westminster, London.
Whatever stage you or your organisation are at in learning about or implementing accessibility, come along to our next event and find out more. Can you afford to exclude any customers, citizens or users from your digital services?

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