Government pressure for councils to increase their competitiveness could lead to a conflict of interest with its separate drive to boost openness of public sector data, an e-government specialist has told E-Government Bulletin....
Read full story here, Data and competitive councils...
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Moves by some member states to bring the technical systems governing the global internet within formal United Nations control could result in the network splitting in two, a UK government minister has warned....
Read full story here, Warning over internet control...
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Mobile History:
A new service combining mobile web applications, satellite location, interactive maps and videos is allowing residents, schoolchildren, visitors and planners in the UK city of Lincoln to learn more about their city and its heritage on location, as they move around. Historical records, photographs and interactive maps are organised into 108 ‘character areas’ covering the whole centre of the city and users are able to upload their own images, stories or information. The platform was developed with funding from English Heritage and The Heritage Lottery Fund:
Quick link: Mobile History
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Pocket MP: Constituents can contact their MP and read about his or her activities through a new ‘app’ for the Apple iPhone, ‘MyMP’. Created by web development company Public Zone and the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), the launch follows a successful trial earlier this year by former MP Derek Wyatt. The app is free for both politicians and users, and MPs without an iPhone can take part over the web:
Quick link: Pocket MP
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Transparent Views: The public have been asked to suggest which government datasets they want to see released, Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude announced after the first meeting of the Public Sector Transparency Board, a group formed to ensure public sector bodies are meeting open data standards. The other members of the board are Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web; open data expert Sir Nigel Shadbolt; founder of MySociety Tom Steinberg; and economist Dr. Rufus Pollock:
Quick link: Transparent Views
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There are very few people currently ‘offline’ whose lives could not be hugely enhanced by greater access to the internet, the UK’s Digital Champion Martha Lane Fox told delegates at the first Parliamentary IT Committee (PITCOM) meeting of the new Parliament, ahead of her launch today of a 'Manifesto for a networked nation'. Dan Jellinek reports...
Read full story here, The UK’s ambitious connectivity goal...
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