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Archive for August, 2007

Campaign For Accessible Mobile Phones Launched In US.

A campaign has been launched to support vision impaired Americans who have problems accessing mobile phone services. The campaign, co-ordinated by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), will raise awareness of Section 255, a part of the Federal Communications Act that requires all phones to be made usable by people with disabilities.


International Trials For Groundbreaking Scanner.

A device is under development that combines a scanner and labeller with voice output, radio, mp3 player, talking clock, voice recorder and audio book player, for the first time in a single unit.


Rows amongst the cognoscenti

For those wishing to peer at the spectacle of the great and the good in the world of coding accessibility having a row about personalities and group dynamics – and the future of standards – a read of Molly Holzschalg’s blog at the moment will prove extremely enlightening.